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This Incredible Website can Determine how Gullible you are Using Just Your Credit Card Info!

Written By Evan B. 07/13/2022

Image from Flickr

The future is now, in the palm of your hands, and in the circuit boards of your iPhone. Several Middle Eastern scholars have figured out a system to determine the strength of one's credulity using nothing but number on their credit card, its verification code, and its expiration date. They then made it public through the use of their incredible website.

In order to see how gullible you actually are, just enter your information, and it will be graded on the well-known 1 to 7 scale. You can, from there, even share it with family and friends! My mother was so excited when I gave the website her information, she immediately called her friend at the bank.

All the information you need, image from The Finance Point

How does such a system work, you may ask? Magic! Just kidding, it is actually an algorithm on a website developed by some university students back in 2013. The website was then purchased 9 years later, as the buyers must have thought "hrm, this seems convenient!"

Based on the numbers on the credit card, the website will take that information, make multiple unauthorized purchases, and pull a value from its random number generator to give to the user.

This information has helped me in so many ways that words cannot begin to describe. So, I'll use a picture instead!

How my life has changed after using this website, image from Flickr

Here is the website:

Make use of it well, and make sure all of your friends know how incredible this website is!


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