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The Song in Marvel Studios' Moon Knight, "Man Without Love", is Actually Referring to me.

"I am the man without love. I am extremely lonely." - Me

Written by Evan B. 06/24/2022

Moon Knight, presumably (credit to flickr, rawpixel, and my artistic genius)

Engelbert Humperdinck's "Man Without Love" was a great pick for the show, and although heavily underutilized it still encapsulates the struggle of the common man to get out of bed and use the restroom despite it already being 12:31 pm on a Tuesday (the universal struggle).

Anyway, back to the show. Moon Knight presents a fantastic use of Egyptian mythology in their storytelling, and is a great break from the Marvel centric world that the other shows find themselves in.

Fun fact, they had originally wanted the Wolverine as the star of Moon Knight, but advisors recommended to instead op for the niche superhero, Moon Knight.

But I am not here to talk about this MARVELous (get it?) show, I am here to talk about the song and how it is to be very lonely.

(Image from flickr)

There are many words we as people use to describe a broken-hearted man, like “loser”. I so happen to fall under this category. Although unlikely due to my desirable physique and generally amazing and humble personality, I haven't spoken to anyone in well over 6 months and am extremely desperate.

Some people will try to attribute my loneliness to my intense misogyny and my inability to hold normal conversations for longer than 2 minutes. This is false.

I've been asked how is to be alone, it is much like being on an island, but that island is alone, and isolated, I’d go as to say it is by itself, without another. And in that island, there someone is holding a party, but it's only you as the host with no guests, but you’re still not invited. What am I talking about again?

Much like the protagonist of Moon Knight himself, I am also an

allegory for mental health (image from flickr)

In order to combat loneliness, I’ve tried several strategies, such as "socializing". It didn’t work.

Anyways, watch the show, it's pretty dope!

(I assume I have not seen it yet actually)


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