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Pregnancy and Birth Rates, Causation or Coincidence?

Written by Evan Bee's Knees 09/05/2022

Image from Deposit Photos

Goo goo, ga ga? Bla bla, bu bu blphtff. Did I sound stupid? That is because I am impersonating a baby, one of nature's biggest idiots. But did you know that there is a chance that their creation is somewhat associated to the rates of pregnancy in America?

Our biggest issue with this statement is whether this fact is a result of a causal effect, that the rate of birth is directly affecting pregnancy rates, or just a correlation, that the two rates are changing independent of each other.

A humorous meme I found. (Image from Flickr)

Now of course this leaves our readers a few questions, like what is pregnancy? Well, you see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, usually under the heavy effects of alcohol, the mother can become pregnant. That is, honestly all I really know about the topic.

Now that we know about pregnancy, what is birth? I ain't qualified to answer that either, so we got an expert on the topic! Not only were they a baby once, but they've also had experience with a pregnant woman and know them inside and out.

Our expert on his lunch break (credit to Negative Space)

In response to the question, do birth and pregnancy rates directly affect each other, our expert gave us the following advice: "You see, it is not a statement of whether one has a direct impact on the other, but what causes both to variables to alter. What causes pregnancy that also can cause birth, if such a thing exists?"

This question truly is a head scratcher. Immanuel Kant once said that all our knowledge begins from the senses, meaning that what we know comes from what we can see, hear, feel, and derive from all of that. Basically, no real way to answer the question, ah well!

To all my readers happy Labor Day! It's a day to appreciate all the pregnant women in labor, so please go to your nearest hospital and tell them all thank you. I would do this as well, but the doctors kicked me out. I won't be silenced forever though, I will return.


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