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Is Taco Bell the Height of Authentic Mexican Cuisine?

Written by Evan B. 2022/05/11

Image from Times of San Diego

Yes, of course it is! When you think of Mexico, the first thing that comes to mind is Taco Bell's very own Quesarito! Let us dive into the deep end of Mexican culture, from where these wonderful recipes are gathered.

Having taken high school Spanish, I was chosen to interview a Mexican family about their own steps in preparing beloved dishes, such as the taco, the burrito, and the Cinnabon Delights® 2 pack. I was invited to dinner by the family, and here’s what I’ve learned:

Much of Mexican cuisine is prepared in a tradition known as the Carne asada, it is very similar to our American barbeque, but Mexican and also not the same at all.

Vital in the preparation of food is the grill, for cooking the meat; a mortar and pestle, to prepare guacamole and salsas; and a deep fryer, for the Nacho Fries.

Of course, we cannot learn about a Mexican feast without proper customs and phrases! You say “¿Quien es usted?” to welcome someone into your home. Whenever you serve someone food, you say “Lárgate de mi casa.” And you will find the little niños saying the darndest things, such as “¿Papi, cuando se va ir el señor malo?”, which is just another way of saying “I hope you enjoy the food!”

Every dinner could use one of these!

One of the main virtues Taco Bell has captured from Mexican culture is how healthy the food is. Their dishes are high in sodium, cholesterol content, and have been known to increase the chance of heart disease, migraines, and dyslexia.

Before we leave, here’s a little-known fact about Taco Bell: if you ask for a burger and fries you will be shot on the spot.


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