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George Orwell Describes his Experience at Last Weekend's Anime Expo

Written by Evan B. 07/07/2022

July 1st marked the beginning of this year's Anime Expo, the first in several years due to unspecified global events. And what better reason was there to attend than to meet the great writer himself, George Orwell!

Mr. Orwell had set up his booth by the restrooms in order to catch the attention of unfortunate attendees who haven't used the restroom since their 8-hour flight began about 3 time zones ago.

The bright imagery in the convention halls keeps us distracted from the horrible conditions of the bathroom (image from Public Domain Pictures)

At the Expo, Orwell sold several copies of his most famous works, such as Animal Farm and 1984, a book about totalitarianism and oppressive government. He also accepted autographs and took photos with a few of his adoring fans. At his booth he advertised his upcoming book, 1985, a sequel to 1984 to be released later this year.

1985 (credit to Flickr)

When the event was ending, Orwell announced to his enthusiastic crowd of fans, "I hate all of you" and "I hope I never come back here." This could be in part due to the fact that his fans would constantly describe minor inconveniences as, "just like George Orwell's 1984", referring to the book's themes of oppression and censorship.

He then proceeded to leave the convention, but not before meeting and greeting with Ironmouse and getting her coveted autograph. For the uninitiated, Ironmouse is a Vtuber, a type of content creator who uses a 2d or 3d avatar instead lieu of their actual face or person. These have grown very popular for a very good reason, anime.

George Orwell died in a tragic fiery explosion in the Anime Expo parking lot, after backing into a truck full of maid outfits meant for the Expo's various maid cafes (like, there were a lot of maid cafes, I'm telling you a lot).

We've been asked to provide a source for the information in this article. We were unable to do so as we made all of this up.


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