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Film Expert Says Monochrome is the Future of Cinema

Written by Evan B. 07/01/2022

Image from pixnio

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Film is advancing so much quicker than anyone could hope to imagine. "But are we moving in the right direction?", asks Robert Jameson, a self-proclaimed film enthusiast. We wholly trust Jameson on the topic, since he took one community college course on cinema.

Studios such as Marvel and Disney have been producing films at a rapid rate, using the highest end technology to heighten the movie-going experience. But what if there was a way to move the focus toward storytelling and away from, "visuals."

Sets used by Universal for their films (left) and sets used by Marvel (right), credit to flickr

"Most well-known films are monochrome", Jameson cries out in a fit of rage. "Casa Blanca, It's a Wonderful Life, Avatar" (this last one is actually incorrect, his TV was just broken when he saw it).

Noir is also a very popular genre of films under the category, enjoyed by a large French audience (I think, since noir is black in French).

"Not everything is black and white, we want to convey that through monochrome film." Some examples of colors to be used in monochrome films are white, dark white, very dark white, grayish-white, dark grayish-white, and blue.




The color white.

I asked my brother his opinion on the use of monochrome films, as opposed to the colored standard we are used to. His response was: "Evan, I'm colorblind."

Much like how cinema can be best viewed without distractions like, "color," Jameson argues that the removal of voice acting could further enhance the experience. Perhaps instead when people spoke, text cards could appear describing their dialogue.

This technique was actually used in the popular film, Morbius (credit to public domain vectors):

The future of cinema is truly a mystery to us all, but Jameson hopes that movie makers can learn from this and take new risks in making their films. Personally, I think this is really stupid, but my boss made me write this article anyway, so here we are.


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