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Dealing with Writer's Block

Written by Evan B. 08/09/2022

Image from Flickr

We've all dealt with it when writing. Whether it be for a school essay, fanfiction, or an article for We Need Sleep Podcast's own news site The Credible, sometimes we get stuck. So how do we get unstuck?

The answer: sleep deprivation.

Image credit to PxHere

Sleep deprivation is the metaphorical WD-40 that writers use to get unstuck from the perils of writers' block. While many other techniques exist to help with the process, those have yet to be legalized in our state.

With sleep deprivation even the most mundane of things can be seen as humorous and interesting. The dumbest jokes carry so much more weight. Meaningless phrases comprehended in new ways. The walls are speaking to me, can you hear it too?

So how do we address writers block in other ways?


(Image from Free SVG)

If not sleeping doesn't seem to fit your schedule, I prefer to waste everyone's time with writing about how difficult it is to write. Rather than write about something interesting or address the problem, I might make an article about procrastination or writer's block. It is quite effective. I really should be fired at this point.

The most important things with writer's block are to know it will go away and know that you still shouldn't give up. Keep trying, even if nothing seems to be working, it will eventually, don't let yourself out of the rhythm just because you've been discouraged. And if all else fails, tough luck lmao.


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