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Cowboy Costumes Boost Mental Health, Study Shows

Written by Evan B. 07/20/2022

Image from Flickr

What is the key to happiness: success, wealth, family, friends? None of those, it's a cowboy outfit with a hat, a vest, and a holster from the west. Buckle down partner, because I'm about to start spitting some hard facts in your general direction.

While historically cattle herders, cowboys have made themselves a reputation from movies, stories, and so much more over the years. Now they are known as gunslinging outlaws who liberate towns from the evils of capitalistic villains. Kind of like me.

Nowadays the culture surrounding Cowboys has died out and exist primarily in the south in the form of trailer parks and desert dwellers listening to Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton. But we can keep the culture alive ourselves, by speaking with a draw and bringing a revolver to local restaurants.

Woody, a cowboy. Did you know his famous line, "there's a snake in my boot" is actually a reference to a common hallucination had by cowboys due to their alcoholic tendencies? I don't know if that's true. (image from Flickr)

There had been some speculation that this kind of behavior improved one's quality of life, yet there was no clear evidence of that till now. Scientists down in South Carolina decided to perform a study to see what effect the costumes had on one's general state of happiness, and the results probably are not very surprising, I mean it's in the title of this article.

The study was performed through a survey that asked questions to determine one's state of happiness before and after donning the costume. Participants would also be forced to fast for 3 days as food could tamper with the results.

A survey, image credit to Embed Social

Before the costume, 80% of participants said that their life was in shambles, and 64% said that they wish they quit their job and leave their wife and children. After wearing the costume, those numbers went down to 6% and 63%, respectively.

What can you learn from this? That cowboys had style, in the lawless land of southern California, that is all you really had. So, buy yourself an outfit, break the piggy bank, and use your emergency funds; happiness means more than anything else anyway.

Editor's note: don't look up cowboy costumes on google images. They have costumes, just not the ones we're talking about.


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