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As it Turns Out, Black Holes are Actually Portals to Albuquerque, New Mexico

Written by Evan B. 2022/05/08

Image courtesy of flickr and Wikimedia Commons

Scientists have long since hypothesized that when an individual enters a black hole they become “spaghettified”, meaning they elongate while becoming infinitely thinner inside the event horizon. Mamma mia!

We have since learned that those people are stupid. Science tells us that when we enter a point of intense density in the space time continuum, our matter is instantaneously transported to Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The state of New Mexico:

When asked about the implications of this for long-distance space travel, scientists have stated “Who the hell wants to go to Albuquerque, New Mexico?”

We managed to make contact with an individual who has traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico via black hole, and offered to set up a Q&A with him.

Q: “How was your experience being there for the first time?”

A: “Oh it was awful, there was a cold emptiness all around me, and a lack of color and light everywhere. I felt so, disturbed, and dark, and alone.”

Q: “I could only imagine; a black hole must be terrifying.”

A: “Oh, you were asking about the black hole.”

Our universe is filled with anomalies and secrets that our ancestors could have only dreamed about, and thanks to recent advancements in technology we have more information than ever. For more information on these strange topics, visit learn more about Albuquerque.

Additional credit to World Atlas


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