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8 Tips on how to Deal with Final Exam Stress

Written by Evan B. 06/09/2022

Image from picpedia

Nothing in the world is more stressful than finals week! It's the culmination of a broken college student's poor lifestyle choices. Lucky for you, our writers have compiled a list of tips to follow that are assured to get you relaxed and ready to accept, yeah, you're going to summer school.

Go on a nice evening walk

Sometimes it's nice to get out and get some fresh air. The bests walks are taken alone, at the dead of night, carrying very expensive-looking items. Don't forget to scream at the moon when you get the chance, it is very cathartic!

Learn a new instrument

And while you're at it, go all out. Make sure to purchase the highest quality instrument you can go for; the price will always be worth it for your first instrument. If you can, choose one that you can pick up fairly quick, such as the violin.

The saxophone, "the beginner's instrument" (credit to flickr)

Play a relaxing game

Games like Apex Legends and Elden Ring were basically designed to destress its players. Make sure to boot it up and get your easy victory royale or to defeat a quick boss, just to make you feel like you still have some sense of control in your life.

Couldn't find a good image; improvised

Adopt a pet

Pets are cute, they can be so kind and great company in tough times, just a great addition to any family. Having one around is great for dealing with finals burnout, so make sure to get one as soon as you're feeling anxious!

Pull multiple all-nighters

Get that brain moving and don't sleep. Just don't sleep. Like, that's all, just don't go to bed for the night, it's fun.

Search about the neuroscience of free will

Any interesting topics are bound to get your mind off of finals. The neuroscience of free will is an interesting topic and you can find detailed descriptions of it in so many different facets of the internet.

You won't even be thinking about finals that night (credit to flickr)

Stare at a wall for 2 hours

It's cathartic.

God forbid you actually study, stop

We don't need that in our lives, the best course of action is to avoid having to think about finals and just hoping you remember enough from the course. Please, let me remember enough from the course oh god I just wanna pass at this point.

Image from pxhere

Also, I am morally obligated to tell you not to do anything I just said


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