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5 Reasons Why it Sucks to Wear Glasses

Written by Evan B. 07/18/2022

Image from stockvault

1. I have to look at you

Image credit to Public Domain Vectors

That's right, you! The ability to see granted by glasses puts me in a situation where, when I am facing you, I see your face, and that is very unfortunate.

2. Cleaning them is a pain

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Glasses get dirty from the smallest of things. If you accidentally hold them wrong, they smudge, and if you are wearing them during nightly sob sessions, they get speckled. Really it is quite inconvenient, and you risk messing with your vision worse keeping them dirty.

3. You look like a freaking nerd

Image credit to Flickr

Though I am the exception, most people look like nerds with glasses. I like to make fun of those people; my therapist says its "projecting", but I disagree.

4. I still have to look at you

Image credit to Flickr

Why you still here?

5. They always fall

Image credit to Flickr

Glasses aren't always the right fit, and they can slide right off. Sometimes you get unlucky, and they fall straight to the ground, and then they break! And boy can glasses be an expensive piece of face wear.

Thank you for reading, if you have a friend that wears glasses, make sure to always ask to try them on, people love that. Make sure you bend the frames while you're at it, that's not annoying to DEAL WITH AT ALL.


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